Treatment Helps Families Recover
Treatment supports restoration in ourselves and those close to us. When the people close to us see changes in our moods, attitudes, or daily routines due to substance abuse, naturally, they will be concerned. Treatment helps us open up about our feelings and discuss things we normally would not feel safe discussing.
One of the most important things we can do for ourselves is to seek treatment for substance abuse. Restoring a relationship with ourselves can improve our lives and relationships after treatment. Treatment plays a crucial role in restoring families. Without treatment, addiction, mental health issues, or any form of personal issues we carry within ourselves can have long-term effects on our daily lives.
How Can Treatment Restore Families?
Families are made up of a group of people who are tied together by blood or by marriage or adoption. Families carry the weight of each other’s hardships. However, when obstacles such as substance abuse in a family member appear, families can experience division.
When one family member is struggling with addiction, others may notice changes in their actions or mood swings. The change brought on by one family member can create changes in every single member. As family members try to find ways to cope, dynamics shift. However, treatment can help put things in perspective. Families who seek support together can have restoration sooner.
The Role Families Play During Treatment
Helping our loved ones during treatment is no easy task. We must consider that this is an uncertain time for them as well. Families can offer support by getting involved in family therapy sessions. Learning skills and gathering tools are ways for families to manage conflict.
Situations that are not handled with the proper knowledge or skills can damage a family more. Family members must get the support they need as well. When families are open to exploring all resources available to help them, they can better plan how to build a strength-based home.
Connecting Families After Treatment
Therapy sessions with families are helpful, but the work doesn’t stop there. We may feel as though we don’t know how to welcome a family member who has been struggling with addiction back into our lives. Remember, when our loved ones come home from treatment, we must take the information and tools given during these family therapy sessions and put them to use.
Some goals to help build strong connections with family after treatment include:
- Communication
- Understanding
- Patience
- Supporting our loved ones to use the coping skills they have learned.
Families who implement the knowledge they have gained are on the right road to making strong connections.
What Families Can Expect After Treatment
There can be a lot of uncertainty in a home when our loved ones return from treatment. The cause for this uncertainty is natural due to past dramas that caused tension or division among the family.
After treatment, our loved ones must return to their everyday lives. Consider that, for our loved ones, stepping back into the work field, and hanging out with friends, can trigger temptations and cravings for old habits. We can help our loved ones stay busy with healthy activities and hold them accountable for their choices.
Tools to Prevent Relapse
There are several tools we can utilize to support our loved ones from relapsing. First, we must recognize the different forms of relapse. Relapse occurs in three stages: emotional, mental, and physical.
Family therapy can support emotional and mental health issues that arise during recovery. Healthy activities, along with understanding, can also help us support our loved ones. Using tools gathered in family therapy sessions can be effective when they are put to use. By putting a stop to relapse in the emotional and mental stages, our loved ones don’t have to reach the third stage of physical relapse.
Enabling Someone With the Problem Is a Problem
Assisting someone in avoiding the consequences of their substance abuse creates more of a problem. We need to encourage our loved ones to seek treatment.
There should be a reward system for our loved ones as they improve along the way. Support the treatment, and then follow through with the reward. This enables our loves ones to have hope and build trust again. As family supporters, we want to help the problem by assisting them to seek treatment so they can get better.
What Makes a Strength-Based Family?
Families who have a love for one another unconditionally are on the right path to building a strength-based foundation. It takes patience, understanding, and love to flourish in a family environment.
Arrange family activity days or family dinners. Making time for these activities can ensure that all members can engage. This much-needed time will allow everyone to share how their day was or share what they may be feeling at that time. Most importantly, our recovering loved one will feel welcomed and a part of a family again. Having a strong family support system is important in helping our loved ones find recovery.
Do you feel a disconnect between you and your family because of your addiction? There are loved ones waiting for you to make a change today. Addiction does not just affect you; it touches everyone who cares for you. Brazos Recovery wants to offer you a chance to make that change in your life now. Our staff has life experience in what you are going through. No one is meant to be alone or feel unwanted. Begin your treatment today with us here at Brazos Recovery. As you receive treatment, you can discover a new foundation for your healing journey. Call Brazos Recovery today at (254) 232-1550 to learn more about our program.
Medically Reviewed: September 25, 2019
All of the information on this page has been reviewed and verified by a certified addiction professional.