COVID-19 - Brazos Recovery

Staff and Client Safety is Our Top Priority

At Brazos Recovery, health and safety are always two of our top priorities, which is why we are offering a variety of preventative measures to protect everyone at our campus from contracting and spreading COVID-19, Coronavirus. We have established daily meetings with our Executive team, our Medical Director and other healthcare professionals to coordinate and expedite review, augmentation and mitigation steps specific to COVID-19 response. Below are the actions we are taking to ensure our clients and staff safety.

Screening staff members, clients, and visitors in accordance with CDC guidelines

All staff members, clients, and visitors will be screened daily to help ensure the safety of our facility. We will be checking temperatures of staff and current clients on a daily basis. We are currently not allowing people with COVID-19-like symptoms to be on-site and clients who present with these symptoms will be tested for coronavirus.

Training with staff and clients

Our medical team has provided extensive training to our staff and clients on how to recognize symptoms of the COVID-19 virus and enact preventative and reactive measures. They have also conducted training on proper hygiene and sanitation to prevent the contraction or spread of the virus.

Not allowing people on-site that show symptoms that are like or similar to COVID-19

We are currently not allowing people with COVID-19-like symptoms to be on-site and interact with our clients and staff.

Extra sanitary precautions
We have increased our cleaning and sanitation efforts to combat the spread of COVID-19

  • We have increased facility hygiene steps and frequency of cleaning and disinfecting of surfaces
  • We have added more alcohol-free hand sanitizer dispensers throughout the campus
  • Limiting the number of people who are allowed on campus

Our Remote location lends itself to transmission prevention
We have increased our cleaning and sanitation efforts to combat the spread of COVID-19

Our Remote location lends itself to transmission prevention
Our remote location, located in Morgan Texas (population 486), provides a natural barrier to outside contagion sources. We will be screening all incoming clients, staff, and visitors, to help ensure that COVID-19 will not be transmitted to clients and staff that are already on site.